It's me.. Juz me... Only me!

If you don't like my words, don't listen.
If you don't like my appearance, don't look.
If you don't like my actions, turn your head.
It's as simple as that.

A wife to a loving husband. A mum to a adorable daughters. A daughter to such a caring parents. A good friend to a good people. Homechef that cook like nobody business.

~I’M NOBODY.. but nobody perfect. So, I’mPERFECT!

My Love's Path

Daisypath Anniversary tickers

Sunday, January 27, 2013


Mak teruja sangat, sebab tu suara mak macam tu.
Sengau tu sebab demam aritu membuatkan suara jadi sengau.
(sampai semput mak jemah nak bercakap)
Yang gedik tu tak tau mana datang?
Sindrom duduk bilik sorang-sorang kot.. Hahah!

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